1. The Path to Heaven

At 35 years old, I’ve discovered the path to Heaven.

Every mountain top has many paths. And all the paths that lead to Heaven are on one side, the one established by Our Good Lord.

But of all these paths, there is an easy one: “the little way.”

St. Therese of the Little Flower talks about being a little flower that God hand picks and raises up to Himself. Rather than struggling up the mountain, let God pick you up as He would His child or a little flower.

To do this, St. Therese said we should dedicate all moments, large and small, to Our Good Lord, and He will pick us up. Our hearts must be little, like little children (Matthew 18:3), who see God the Father as an actual father who walks with us and wishes to carry us up.

So, today, as often as you remember, say “For you, Lord”, and go about your duty with holiness and littleness.

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