Dear Sibling,
Today, we begin our Lenten journey. Here’s what we should remember.
We now enter the desert to be with Christ.
Here, we find joy in Him instead of the world.
We pray for the conversion of sinners.
We WIN over demons (Mark 9:29).
We carry our cross, silently, patiently, steadily to Calvary.
We suffer with persecuted Christians, the poor, orphans and widows.
We heal our spirit.
And we heal our body (fasting is good for inflammation, diabetes, obesity, and other metabolic disorders [1]).
This is a time where we cut the bonds to earth, so we can fly to Heaven.
– Ryan
P.S.1. Have a question? Email me at hello@holyfamilycatechism.ca
P.S.2. Get consecrated to Our Blessed Mother and say your Rosary.
P.S.3. Pray for us. And if you decide to donate this month, please think of us (you can donate via ko-fi).
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