29. The nail


Dear Sibling,

The nail that was driven into Christ’s hands were probably 6 inches long [1].

They were driven either into the palms or wrists;

And in through the middle of the feet of through the heel.

Either way, the suffering was excruciating.

The word excruciating comes from Latin, “Ex Crux” – out of the cross [2].

When little Nellie Organ, the 4 year old mystic who suffered for love God was asked about her paid, she would respond:

“What is that compared to what Holy God suffered.” [3]

Let us suffer our trials remembering Christ’s suffering for us.

Then we can say, “Lord, I suffer with you and for you. I love you.”

– Ryan

P.S.1. Have a question? Email me at hello@holyfamilycatechism.ca

P.S.2. Get consecrated to Our Blessed Mother and say your Rosary.

P.S.3. Pray for us. And if you decide to donate this month, please think of us (you can donate via ko-fi).

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