30. The right direction


Dear Sibling,

Yesterday, I visited the Adoration Chapel with my goals.

I realized, I was making decisions about my future without God.

But, after reviewing them with God, I learned that my priorities were selfish.

They did not look outward at sinners who needed to be converted and souls in purgatory that need to be relieved.

Are your priorities the same?

Review your goals with God.

He’ll relieve you of the unnecessary burdens and point you in the right direction. 

– Ryan

P.S.1. Have a question? Email me at hello@holyfamilycatechism.ca

P.S.2. Get consecrated to Our Blessed Mother and say your Rosary.

P.S.3. Pray for us. And if you decide to donate this month, please think of us (you can donate via ko-fi).

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