Dear Sibling,
Today, go into Mass with the determination to make this the best Mass you have ever partaken in.
Pray with devotion, listen to the readings and the psalms and the Gospel.
Note 3 points from the homily.
And finally, when the Eucharist is presented before you, bow your head low.
The outward behavior and inward determination are all signs that the gates to your heart are opened.
Now open, the Holy Spirit can flood you with love and grace.
You can approach the week as a different person, a new person, one of the Queen’s own.
– Ryan
P.S.1. Have a question? Email me at hello@holyfamilycatechism.ca
P.S.2. Get consecrated to Our Blessed Mother and say your Rosary.
P.S.3. Pray for us. And if you decide to donate this month, please think of us (you can donate via ko-fi).
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