42. The spirit and the body


Faith & Family

No matter how tired or fatigued or annoyed I feel, I always recall that my spirit is more powerful than the promptings of my flesh. As such, instead of feeling like my spirit is held down by my body, I imagine my spirit lifting up my body and then I feel restored again.

We have to remember that this life is temporary. Our souls are eternal and, as long as it is fueled with grace, it can carry us in sanctity through this life as long as we do not succumb to the promptings of the body.

So, don’t think your body is trapping your spirit. Instead, focus on your spirit empowering your body. With the Holy Spirit and in a state of grace, you can overcome all the urging to break and sin and instead remain whole and holy.

Finance & Entrepreneurship

Right now, for our shop, I’m studying the Conversion Equation. The Conversion Equation is a method to convince people to shop from your business.

There are four steps: Interrupt, Engage, Education and Offer.

Well, I was looking for effective interrupts to use in marketing. Interrupts are basically statements or images that catch people’s attention. One type of interrupt is the “pattern interrupt” which is meant to break people out of their pattern or routine. So, if a customer is drinking water from a bottle, you put a pattern interrupt on the bottle to stop them from drinking for just a moment to begin putting them through the Conversion Equation.


Today, I failed in the 3rd set of my squats and the 1st rep of my deadlift. I do feel weaker. But, I understand a few things now. I’m exercising in a fasted state which I haven’t done before. And I’ve not been sleeping too well for the last few nights. So, that will effect my results.

That said, to drop my ego and lower my weights so that I’m exercising safely, became more important to me than hitting my reps.

It was then that I realized that exercise is for the sake of developing a good habit, not for simply hitting results for no other reason.

I hope these experiences help you today.
To your sanctity!

– Ryan

P.S.1. Have a question? Email me at hello@holyfamilycatechism.ca

P.S.2. Get consecrated to Our Blessed Mother and say your Rosary.

P.S.3. Pray for us. And if you decide to donate this month, please think of us (you can donate via ko-fi).

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