+JMJ+ Faith & Family Spend every morning thanking God for your family and the gifts around you. Then your eyes will see all of God’s goodness in your life and you will no longer worry because you realize the Creator of the universe loves YOU. Finance & Entrepreneurship It’s important to know the physical characteristics… Continue reading 43. Gratitude and Target Markets
Category: Blog
42. The spirit and the body
+JMJ+ Faith & Family No matter how tired or fatigued or annoyed I feel, I always recall that my spirit is more powerful than the promptings of my flesh. As such, instead of feeling like my spirit is held down by my body, I imagine my spirit lifting up my body and then I feel… Continue reading 42. The spirit and the body
41. Prayer and Mistakes
+JMJ+ Faith & Family As I prayed the Rosary this morning, I realized that the quality of our life is actually the quality of our prayer life. The income we earn is nothing compared to the grace stored in us. True wealth and success is sanctity in the daily small things. St. Mother Theresa and… Continue reading 41. Prayer and Mistakes
40. God has everything in control
+JMJ+ Faith & Family Today, I went to bed earlier, but my sleep was disturbed and I had to wake up at 7 am instead of 5:30 am. My first thoughts were that it was not fair that despite going to bed early, I still did not get good quality sleep, enough to wake up… Continue reading 40. God has everything in control
39. You’re not useless
+JMJ+ Faith & Family Many people may measure themselves against their income and their assets. Am I meeting the standards of my family? Am I pulling my weight as understood by my peers? It’s easy to feel these things when you have little left in your account and you need to live off someone else’s… Continue reading 39. You’re not useless
38. New Approach
+JMJ+ I’m taking a new approach to this blog. There are ideas I want to capture, but I have no where to store them. Well, I’ll store them here. Faith & Family I find waking up 2 hours before everyone else and saying my TLMW prayers outside in the morning to be very profound. I’m… Continue reading 38. New Approach
37. Preparing for the end
+JMJ+ Dear Sibling, Christ will come again in glory. Will we be ready? At a recent homily, the priest said that it would be a great tragedy to look back at our life on our deathbed and say, “I could have done more to help others.” Christ demanded that we do two things: love Him… Continue reading 37. Preparing for the end
36. The Cross teaches us to love
+JMJ+ Dear Sibling, I always asked myself why Christ had to suffer. And recently, I found the answer. According to St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas, to God, there were many ways to achieve salvation. But the one God chose was the one where Christ would suffer and die. Why? Because God saw that it… Continue reading 36. The Cross teaches us to love
25. Orient the day to God
+JMJ+ Dear Sibling, Start your day with morning prayer. Morning prayer orients your day and your week to God. The monks don’t fit prayer into their work day. They fit work into their prayer day. Just because we’re not monks does not mean we can’t do the same. The monks set up an example for… Continue reading 25. Orient the day to God
34. The best Mass
+JMJ+ Dear Sibling, Today, go into Mass with the determination to make this the best Mass you have ever partaken in. Pray with devotion, listen to the readings and the psalms and the Gospel. Note 3 points from the homily. And finally, when the Eucharist is presented before you, bow your head low. The outward… Continue reading 34. The best Mass